Corte Madera Larkspur Moms Club

We are supporting a family for the holidays through Adopt a Family of Marin.

Stay tuned for their Amazon wish list!

We’re ramping back up into full activity with monthly all-ages park meetups, new mom stroller walks, book club, parenting classes, and of course mom’s nights out! Check the calendar on our website, here, so you are always up to date with current happenings. 

We’re taking current COVID-19 and winter sick season precautions very seriously, so lots of our upcoming events are outside and some are still virtual, depending on your comfort level. Please be respectful to all by staying home if you or someone in your house is feeling under the weather.

Check your inbox regularly for updates on what's happening and remember to head over to our members only Facebook page


The Corte Madera Larkspur Moms Club (CMLMC) was founded in 1993 as a member-led social, educational, support group for mothers and families with children from birth through age five, though some of our families continue on through school-age! Every member is encouraged to volunteer, participate, and share her ideas and experience.

Become a Member!

Nearly 200 families enjoy membership in the CMLMC. We welcome new families and friends into our community throughout the year. If you live anywhere in Marin, are the parent of a child, and would like to join in the fun, follow the link below. We look forward to meeting you and your little one(s)! Membership perks include:

  • Entry to signature member events (Animal Guy, Bubble Lady etc)

  • Mom social events such as wine nights, workouts, etc.

  • Member-only Facebook Community and What's App group

  • All-club park meetups

 ...and the opportunity to meet and grow your community. 

Join Us

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